Our Company

Mr. Sheretov lectures worldwide with an overview of current health problems in the modern world and speaks of the challenges the medical professionals face. Moreover, he illustrates the demands of the next generation and how technology fills the gap between your clients’ health challenges and information needed to resolve them. During his lectures you will learn the history of BioAcoustics, and the connection between the sound of your voice and the ability to hear, the concept that was first discovered by Alfred Tomatis, which will lead to the conclusion that light and sound, and the understanding of the connection between psyche, brain and body are the future of medicine. Mr Sheretov’s mission is to make sure the health professionals understand the fundamentals of this technology so that they are able to deduce what technology works vs. what doesn’t work. Mr. Sheretov’s 20 years of combined experience make him the leader in his field and his expert advice is highly valued in health organizations and professionals alike.
Frontier science proves that there is a regulating field of energy and information that operates in the physical body at the sub-cellular level. At Biostar NLS Technology, we call this the human body-field, and we have researched its functions and structures for more than 30 years.
In that time we have discovered that the root cause of physical problems and deteriorating health stems from distortions and blockages in the body-field, which serves as a master control system for all physiological function.
Our NLS Technology System, comprising our full suite of solutions - Biostar—NLS, Biostar-VOX, Biostar-LUX, BioNutritionals and SoundBiotics identify and correct these distortions, so the body-field and body can more easily and naturally return to optimum function.
In that time we have discovered that the root cause of physical problems and deteriorating health stems from distortions and blockages in the body-field, which serves as a master control system for all physiological function.
Our NLS Technology System, comprising our full suite of solutions - Biostar—NLS, Biostar-VOX, Biostar-LUX, BioNutritionals and SoundBiotics identify and correct these distortions, so the body-field and body can more easily and naturally return to optimum function.
Practitioner Experience Team
Diacom-USA is our award-winning internationally renowned Practitioner Experience Team, and is here to help with all aspects of support, including training, technical, and order support. Everyone at Diacom-USA is committed to delivering the very best in practitioner support, and services. From our Logistics Team to our Clinical Trainers, we continue to train everyone to deliver excellent, timely service.